By Maca Designs
WAKE UP! This is not a dream... The DREAM SCP monsters have escaped the secure facility and are lurking in the shadows! Keep your eyes peeled for these 10 masked creatures, as they could soon be haunting you too.
+ 10 Dream SCP skins!
+ Perfect for roleplay!
Amazon AppstoreGoogle Play'B Store'App Store'NX Store'Oculus Gear VR StoreOculus Rift StoreMicrosoft StoreXbox Games Store
Created: November 9, 2023 Modified: November 21, 2023 Version: 1.20.41 Skin Pack: 1.0.2 Purchasable
Roleplaying Game GenreDreamCreaturesMonsterHorrorDarkGreenSpooky3P
Skin PackIncludes Skin Pack