A bank has been robbed! Are you the one that can find out who took the cash and return it? In Detectives: The Heist, you can walk through the story of the Emerald Bank Heist or choose to create your own story in Freeplay.
The map includes:
- Story Mode!
- Freeplay!
- 4 Detective Skins!
- Custom vehicles!
Amazon AppstoreGoogle Play'B Store'App Store'NX Store'Oculus Gear VR StoreOculus Rift StoreMicrosoft StoreXbox Games Store
Created: October 26, 2022 Modified: August 9, 2023 Version: 1.19.31 Skin Pack: 1.0.1 World Template: 1.0.1 Purchasable
Roleplaying Game GenreDetectiveCopQuestStoryVehicles3P
Adventure WorldWorld TemplateIncludes Skin PackSkin Pack